Sunday, February 21, 2016

Seitan Fried "Chicken"

This meal was actually seitan fried "chicken" with mashed potatoes, mushroom gravy, corn and biscuits. Laura's doing. My part was shopping and peeling potatoes.

Seitan Fried "Chicken" 

What is Seitan?

It's a meat substitute made from the gluten or protein of wheat. It can be made to mimic pretty much any kind of meat; beef, chicken, pork, etc and can take many forms from roasts and flanks to wings and fillets, or even ground meat or jerky. It takes whatever flavor and color you use to flavor it and has a deceptively meaty texture. Ours was kind of yellow from the turmeric.

Seitan before battering & frying

Seitan Fried "Chicken" 

Sooo. I thought this was really good, especially for a first stab at it. I even went back for seconds! I can see how the flavor and texture could both be better, but it was still pretty freaking good. The flavors used were turmeric, garlic powder and onion powder in the seitan itself and in the crispy batter she used her dried herbs from last summer's garden. The flavor was pretty good, but the turmeric sort of took over a bit.

As for texture it was a rather believable chicken texture, but of a fatty chicken. A little on the rubbery side. Regardless of this, I still liked it better than grocery store substitutes. And, Laura is researching ways to improve it as we speak, so next time it will be even better.

Laura making seitan

Here is the recipe she went by, after watching many videos about how to make it. When you put it in the hot oil, it expands A LOT. More than you'd expect. This could be partly why it seemed "fatty", because it really fluffed up in the oil.

Easy but Not Cheap

Laura said it was easy to make. I would have to add that it's also somewhat pricey if you're comparing to other flours, but cheap in comparison to meat. We found the wheat gluten at the Bulk Barn after striking out at Atlantic SuperStore and Sobey's. We paid $7.14 for 3 1/2 cups. She used 2 cups in her recipe. Still cheaper than chicken. And kinder.

Laura being silly

Best Served with Potatoes

Like anything. I'm kidding of course. I think anything is best served with potatoes. And corn. Or some other yummy veg. As for Laura, biscuits and gravy are her chicken sides. Altogether, it was a fantastic meal.

Seitan with potatoes, corn, gravy & biscuits

Next Time, Maybe This!

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