Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Mediterranean Baked Sweet Potatoes

We've had a number of meals which should have been blogged since the last entry, but haven't been due to other commitments - mostly of the crocheting variety, with a weekend trip thrown in.

So, Laura made a fantastic supper tonight, using a recipe she found online. So good. 

Mediterranean Baked Sweet Potatoes

Making Dinner...Ugh

I'm not gonna lie, it's been hard coming up with meals we both feel like having. But, it's not for lack of yummy things to make, it's more about taking the time to make them. Boooo! Last night I picked up sandwiches from Pita Pit. So, it was lovely to come home to a nutritious and delicious meal tonight. Thanks, Laura! She's been making most of the meals lately, actually. I'll post some pics below of some of the others.

Sweet Potatoes

I never used to like them but they've grown on me. This combination of the roasted chickpeas, parsley and tomatoes was awesome with them, and the sauce really made it. It was like a tahini lemony dill sauce and gave it a bit of tang. Lots of protein, vitamins and iron in tonight's meal, too. Especially Vitamin A. We've got that one covered, haha.

Mediterranean Baked Sweet Potatoes

Vegan Subs

I intend to do a blog entry about the substitutes we've tried, mostly the dairy ones, so stay tuned for that. I will also try to stray from my supper theme once in awhile and venture into the breakfast, lunch and snack territory a bit more. 

In Days Gone By

Here are a few of the meals we've had recently that didn't get blogged - not that they weren't blog-worthy, but because I didn't have or take the time for an update.

Veg Pizza, Etc
If you've followed our vegetarian blog last year, you'll know how much pizza we eat. So, rather than scrapping it from our options, we've revamped it with vegan "parm" - which we both love. Laura also made some "moxarella" for the last one (the white globs in the pic below), and it was okay, but I think we'll just stick with the "parm" for our pizzas. I will be blogging more about it.

Veg Pizza

This is a pecan pie sort of thing Laura made for dessert one night. It was really good fresh out of the oven. Missy tried it, I think. It was okay cold the next day too. The crust wasn't a traditional type of pie crust, more like bread.

Pecan Pie

If I didn't need more nutrition than what can be found in a potato, I would probably eat this meal every day. But, alas. It's not enough on its own.

Baked Potatoes & Broccoli

These were made using the amazeball recipe but with subs and they're not as good as amazeballs, but we figure we know how to remedy that for next time. They were too soft, and we feel like using egg replacement rather than flax + water will work better.

"Meat"ball Subs

Veg & Rice
I think we both made this one, one day last week. I don't remember much about it, but it sure looks good in the pic, haha.
Stir Fry on Rice

Old vegan standby! Of course, everyone loves hummus, you don't have to be vegan for that. And Laura makes the best hummus and best pitas ever.

Hummus & Pitas

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