Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Herb & Garlic Linguine with Mushrooms

Laura made this for lunch yesterday simply to have more of the "parmesan" she made. So, she designed a meal around it and we had it again tonight for dinner. She was right; it's amazing. And the best part - besides the taste - is the simplicity of it.

Herb & Garlic Linguine with Mushrooms

"Parmesan" Cheese

I think the "parm" recipe is worth sharing. While not exactly like parm, it has a very similar texture, a nearly identical appearance and a fantastic flavor. Best of all, it works well in the same types of meals you would add parm to. I can't say it tastes exactly like parmesan cheese, but we both think it's fantastic, and probably better for some dishes. It's also high in protein which is important for vegans - though we are getting more protein than our meat-eating friends think, since protein is present in a lot more food than most realize. (stop worrying about us, we're fine haha)

Herb & Garlic Linguine with Mushrooms

1/2 box linguine
4 oz mushrooms, sliced
5 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp frozen fresh basil
1 tsp dried oregano
1/2 crushed dried red chili
3 - 4 large cloves of garlic

Slice the mushrooms and mince the garlic. Sauté the mushrooms until most of the moisture has cooked out. Add the olive oil and herbs, stir into mushrooms and remove from heat. Add the garlic and continue stirring about 30 seconds. Toss with cooked linguine.

YAY Pasta!

Pasta is a weakness of mine and I'm rather happy that it's not something I have to give up to be vegan. They make all kinds of egg-less pastas now, as well as lots of variety for pasta sauces from a simple pesto to veggie-filled marinaras, and there are substitutes for cheese and meat if you feel they're that necessary to the dish you're serving. So, bon appetit! Chow down.

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