Thursday, January 14, 2016

Avocado Tacos

If you've followed my vegetarian blog, then you've seen this one before. You basically batter and deep-fry slices of fresh avocado and use them as your filling instead of seasoned ground meat. We had them two or three times last year and they're pretty good.

Previously blogged here - click for recipe

Avocado tacos

Better than Ever

Tonight they seemed even better than before, for some reason. It might have been the squeeze of lime but I am inclined to think it was more the mango salsa, which was sooo good.

The "sour cream" was a vegan product, so I only took a bit. It's okay. It's not as good as the real deal, or at least that's my current opinion. (I've been finding that the more you eat a food, the more you learn to like it. I hope that's true for the cheese-less cheeses as well.) It has the right texture, but it's not as sour. But it did serve its purpose as a taco condiment.

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