Monday, November 12, 2018

Carrot Soup with Garlic, Ginger & Curry

Cup of carrot soup

I love carrot soup! Laura hates it. But, I love carrot soup! I make it a lot because she grows a lot of carrots, and even though we use them in everything from other soups, stews, vegan cheese sauce, side dishes and salads, we still have a surplus, which we will probably sell in future harvests. I usually have to eat it all myself, so I make small batches. If I happen to make too much I can usually find someone to take a jar of it.

Jarred carrot soup

I always make it different; sometimes a ginger-carrot, sometimes a garlic-carrot with cumin, or carrot-parsnip or whatever I happen to be in the mood for or have on hand. I happened to really love this one so I am blogging it for posterity. Never know, Alyssa or her children might be looking for a good carrot soup family recipe some far away day.


12 - 15 medium-sized carrots
1 or 1 1/2 boxes of vegetable broth
1/2 cup soy or cashew cream
1 onion or several small onions and/or shallots
1 bulb of garlic (or 2 small bulbs)
1" square piece of peeled fresh ginger
2 Tbsp vegetable oil
1 tsp curry powder
Salt and pepper to taste
Pumpkin seeds for garnish


After I peel the carrots I use the food processor to slice them up. Save tons of time. 



Onions and shallots

After everything is sliced, minced and chopped and starting with the onions and shallots, I start to sauté on medium-low heat in the oil (you can do a healthy sauté in veg broth if you're avoiding processed oil - which we should be) then add the carrots and ginger after a couple minutes. Stir around while they are cooking so they don't stick or start to brown. 

After about 6 minutes create a space on the bottom of the pan and scrape the garlic in the created area and sauté it in what's left of the oil. Let cook for about a minute or two on medium heat until aromatic, then add a box of veggie broth and the curry. Continue cooking until veggies are all soft.

Carrots, onions, shallots, garlic and ginger simmering

Add more veggie broth, if needed, to keep veggies covered until cooked and then transfer in batches to a blender or food processor and puree. Add veggie broth while pureeing if it seems too thick.

Carrot soup

Add back to stock pot and bring back to a simmer. Slowly add the cream while stirring then turn off the heat and serve with a sprinkle of pumpkin seeds. I always have a bowl right away and pour the rest into jars for lunches or to give to some lucky soup lover :)

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Super Grain Porridge

Super Grain Breakfast

This is an incredibly hearty and filling breakfast that is totally worth the time it takes to make. It takes about 30 minutes altogether, and 25 of that is cooking time as there is very little prep.

Another great thing about this recipe is that you can add whatever fruits, berries, nuts, or flavors you like to the cooked grain base. I've made it with blackberries and vanilla, apples and cinnamon and simply maple syrup, and there are so many other variations.

Porridge ingredients

One other thing before I get to the recipe: I chose these grains because they are what I had on hand the first time I made this. The amount of water and cooking time was calculated based on the grain types and amounts. If you decide to go with another grain or add more of or omit one of these you may need to research how much water you'll need and how long to cook.


Cook covered for 25 minutes:
1/4 cup quinoa
1/4 cup millet
1/4 cup pearl barley
1 Tbsp chia seeds
4 1/2 cups water

Add 3/4 cups rolled oats.

Replace lid and turn off heat. Let set 5 minutes then serve.

Cooked grains

Make it Apple Cinnamon

Sauté 3 or 4 minutes while the grains are cooking:
1 Tbsp butter
1 apple, diced

Sautéing apples

1Tbsp brown sugar
1 tsp cinnamon
Caramelizing apples

Stir while flavors meld for about another minute then turn off heat. Add to cooked grains.

Caramelized apples

Stir the apple mixture into the cooked grains and serve with the milk or cream of your choice. We use unsweetened almond milk.

Hearty porridge

Make it Berry Good

Add to the cooked grains when you add the oats:
1/2 cup (or as much as you want) frozen or fresh berries
1 Tbsp maple syrup or honey
1/2 tsp vanilla

Honey Peanut Butter

Mix in at the end after oatmeal has been added and set
3 Tbsp peanut butter
3 Tbsp honey

Chocolate Raspberry

1/2 cup raspberries
1/4 cup coconut
1/4 cup cocoa
1/8 cup honey

Other Ideas

Mix and match according to preference and:

  • cook with the grains
  • cook separately and add to cooked grains
  • add raw ingredients after grains have cooked

Toasted almonds or other nuts
Diced peaches
Dried fruit (dates, apricots, raisins, currants, goji berries, etc)
Almond or soy beverage
Almond nut butter
Hemp hearts
Flax seed

I would generally add 1 or 2 Tbsp of one of these for the whole pot of grains, but most people probably prefer sweeter versions.
Diced dates
Brown sugar
Maple syrup
Cane sugar

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Mustard Glazed Stuffed Seitan Roast

Mustard Glazed Seitan Roast

This is a wonderful recipe that Laura made two years ago for Thanksgiving dinner. It is sooo good, yet she hadn't made it since - until today. She claims it's easy to make!

 Roast seitan with veggies and gravy


The Loaf

2 cups vital wheat gluten
2/3 cup nutritional yeast
1 tsp ground pepper
2 tsp herbamare
2 tsp paprika
2 tsp onion powder
2 cups cold vegetable broth
2 tsp Dijon mustard
2 Tbsp soy sauce
2 drops liquid smoke
2 tsp dried sage, crushed fine
1 TBSP dried thyme, crushed fine
2 tsp dried oregano, crushed fine
1/2 cup fresh parsley, chopped
4 cloves garlic
2 shallots

Mix all ingredients and roll out a rectangle about a foot long.

Cranberry-Herb Stuffing

1/4 c fresh parsley, chopped
1/2 cup pecans
1 tsp fresh thyme, chopped
1 Tbsp fresh sage, chopped
1 tsp herbamare
1 onion, chopped fine
2 leeks, chopped fine
1/4 cup celery, chopped fine
5 slices white bread, cut in cubes
5 slices wheat/grainy bread, cut in cubes
1-2 cups veggie broth
1/2 cup craisins

Mix all ingredients and place in center of the rectangle; roll into a log, closing the ends.

Mustard Glaze

1 Tbsp maple syrup
1 Tbsp Dijon mustard
1 tsp brown sugar

Baste the stuffed loaf then bake at 350. After half hour flip and baste with the glaze; baste again after 45 minutes of baking then bake an additional 15 minutes. Altogether baking is 1 hour.

Monday, October 8, 2018

Wild Rice & Pecan Stuffed Squash

Stuffed Squash

When you make food that turns out to be perfection, and didn't follow a recipe, it is imperative to blog that or at least write down what you did immediately.

Squash harvest

We have a bunch of squashes just recently harvested and Laura pointed out that some of them will keep a long time while others need to be used sooner, namely the Delicatas. I've been eyeing them up all weekend, and finally decided to stuff them with something yummy. And boy, did I ever! Check this out:


Preheat oven to 350 and place a sheet of parchment on a baking sheet.

2 Delicata squash
1 tsp vegan butter
1 tbsp maple syrup
1/2 tbsp tamari (or soy sauce)
1/2 cup chopped pecans

Cut the stems off the ends of the squash, cut lengthwise and scoop out the seeds. Spread with the butter and place flesh-side-down on parchment. Bake for 10 minutes.

Set one of the squash halves aside.
Mix the syrup and tamari together.
Turn three squash halves over and brush the maple mixture over the flesh. Back in the oven for 10 more minutes. Toast the pecans next to them or on a separate pan during this time.


1/4 cup long-grain white rice
1/4 cup wild rice
1 1/2 cups veggie broth

Bring to a boil then cover and simmer for 5 minutes, then turn off and leave covered for 30 minutes.

2 tsp vegan butter
1/2 onion, minced
1 carrot, diced finely
3 cloves of garlic, minced
Handful of dried sage leaves, crushed (should be about 2 Tbsp)

In a saucepan, saute the onion and carrot in 1 tsp butter until soft then add the garlic, remaining butter and sage and continue to saute until garlic begins to brown, about 3 minutes.

Remove the onion/carrot mixture from heat and add it to the rice along with:
1 cup veggie broth
1/4 cup craisins
1/2 cooked squash that was set aside (scoop from skin)

Heat on low about 5 minutes until the liquid is absorbed.

Remove the squash and pecans from the oven and mix the pecans into the stuffing. Add salt and pepper to the stuffing until it is seasoned to your preference. Scoop the stuffing into the three squash halves. Move oven rack up a notch and broil for about 7 - 10 minutes.

Stuffed Squash

Best thing ever.

Monday, July 16, 2018

Vegan Biscuits

Adapted from
Posted here for reference because it takes too long for the minimalist baker page to load, due to pics and ads.


1 cup unsweetened almond milk
1 Tbsp vinegar or lemon juice
2 cups flour
1 Tbsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
3/4 tsp sea salt
4 Tbsp vegan butter


Preheat oven to 450 degrees F (232 C)
Add lemon juice or vinegar to almond milk to make "vegan buttermilk." Set aside.
In a large mixing bowl, whisk together dry ingredients.
Add cold butter and use fingers or a pastry cutter to combine the two until only small pieces remain and it looks like sand. Work quickly so the butter doesn’t get too warm.
Make a well in the dry ingredients and, using a wooden spoon, stir gently while slowly pouring in the almond milk mixture. You may not need all of it. Stir until just slightly combined – it will be sticky.
Turn onto a lightly floured surface, dust the top with a bit of flour and then very gently turn the dough over on itself 5-6 times – hardly kneading.
Form into a 1-inch thick disc, handling as little as possible.
Use a 1-inch thick dough cutter and push straight down through the dough, then slightly twist. Repeat and place biscuits on a baking sheet in two rows, making sure they just touch – this will help them rise uniformly. Gently reform the dough and cut out one or two more biscuits – you should have 7-8.
Brush the tops with a bit more of melted butter and gently press a small divot in the center using two fingers. This will also help them rise evenly, so the middle won’t form a dome.
Bake for 10-15 minutes or until fluffy and slightly golden brown.

Monday, May 28, 2018

Mushroom Pot Pie with Biscuit Topping

Mom used to make some sort of stew with potatoes, tomatoes or tomato sauce and other veggies with a biscuit topping and I've been thinking about it lately. Stew with biscuit topping. Like a pot pie but with biscuits. I can't remember what exactly Mom made, but the memory inspired me to make a stew and find a biscuit recipe to top it with.

Mushroom Pot Pie

Biscuit Topping

Here is the original biscuit recipe I found. It's very good; I followed it exactly and it turned out amazing.

Mushroom Veggie Stew

I also found a stew recipe but only followed it very loosely using different ingredients and amounts, so probably best not to cite it.

The recipe turned out fantastic, but the biscuits could have used about 2 more minutes in the oven because they were a little gummy on the bottom where they touched the stew. Still cooked, but a little moister than we'd like.

Stew Recipe

Heat in heavy pot on medium/high:
1 tbsp vegan butter (Earth Balance is what I used)

Add and cook for 2 minutes:
1 small onion, chopped
2 cups carrots

Add and cook for 6 minutes:
8 oz mushrooms, sliced thickly
2 1/2 cups potatoes

Sprinkle over veggies and cook for 2 minutes while stirring:
1/4 cup flour

Slowly add while stirring then simmer 5 minutes:
1 cup unsweetened almond milk
1 cup mushroom broth

Remove from heat and stir in:
1 cup of peas
Salt and pepper to taste

Pour stew into 9 x 12" casserole dish and top with the biscuit dough. Bake 15 - 20 minutes. 

I baked for 15 but next time will do 18 - 20.

Pot pie, fresh from the oven

Due to the oil, flour and salt, not the healthiest, but there are vegetables too, so not the unhealthiest either. Amazingly delicious comfort food.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Glazed Lentil Loaf

Glazed Lentil Loaf

Glazed Lentil Loaf

Loaf Recipe

1 cup dry lentils
2 1/2 cups water
3 tbsp ground flaxseed
1/3 cup water
2 tbsp olive oil for sautéing
3 garlic cloves, minced
1 small onion, finely diced
1 small red bell pepper, finely diced
1 carrot, finely diced or grated
1 cup chopped mushrooms
3/4 cup rolled oats
1/2 cup oat flour
1 heaping tsp dried thyme
1/2 heaping tsp cumin
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp onion powder
1/4 - 1/2 tsp ground chipotle pepper
cracked pepper & sea salt to taste


We went to the Bulk Barn to buy the lentils and there are a lot of kinds to choose from, including organic ones, although they are much, much pricier. Bulk Barn had green ones, red ones, orange ones, brown ones, black ones, French ones, etc, so several options. We went with green. Although they look brownish.

Rinse the lentils and add 2 1/2 cups water with lentils to a pot. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, cover and simmer for 40 minutes, stirring occasionally. Cool but don't drain; mushiness is ok.

Lentils cooking
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Making "Flax Egg"

In small bowl combine ground flaxseed and 1/3 cup water and set aside for 10 minutes in the fridge. This is a vegan version of egg and will act as your binder!

Lentils, oats, oat flour, spices


I guess these don't all constitute as vegetables, since mushrooms are fungi, but same idea. Love all the colors. 

Chop and mince the veggies as indicated in recipe above. Sauté garlic, onion, bell pepper, carrots and mushrooms for about 5 minutes. Add spices and mix, then set aside to cool.

Chopped vegetables

Veggies sautéing

Mix it All Up

In a food processor, blend 3/4 of the lentil mixture. Combine sautéed vegetables with the lentils, oats, oat flour and flax egg. Add salt and pepper as needed. 

Lentils and veggies mixed

Loaf Pans

Place into a loaf pans lined with parchment paper and press down firmly to make sure the edges get filling too.

Prepared loaf pans

Uncooked lentil loafs, sans glaze


3 heaping tbsp ketchup
1 heaping tbsp balsamic vinegar
1 heaping tbsp pure maple syrup

Combine ketchup, vinegar and syrup in a small bowl and mix. Spread over top of loaf.

Uncooked glazed lentil loaf

Bake in oven for about 45 - 50 minutes, then let cool before slicing.

Cooked loafs, boiling potatoes

Glazed lentil loaf with potatoes and Lady A's

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Vegan Split Pea Soup

When I gave up eating ham it occurred to me I would never again have one of my all-time favorite meals: split pea soup. What a happy day the first time I made the vegan version and discovered that it is just as amazing, and much easier on the conscience.

Vegan Split Pea Soup

Spice It How You Like It

I'm sure I've made this from a few different recipes now but I've made it enough that I no longer need a recipe and I often make variations depending on how I want to spice it. Sometimes cumin, sometimes not. It's great with a bay leaf or two as well. If you really like an Indian flavor, you can also skip the thyme and marjoram and add ground coriander, turmeric and cinnamon to your cumin. Becomes more like a curry, but it's all good.

*A lot of recipes call for basil which sounds weird to me so I've never tried it. Thought I should mention it though, in case it's an integral or common split pea flavor. I can't imagine but go for it and let me know if it's worth trying.

Split pea soup ingredients


1 cup yellow split peas
1 box vegetable broth
1 small onion
2 carrots
1 potato
2 stalks celery
2 cloves garlic
1 tsp thyme
1 tsp marjoram
1 tsp cumin or 2 bay leaves (depending on your version)
1/2 tsp salt
cracked black pepper


Chop all your veggies into soup-sized pieces (about 1/2" square) and mince the garlic. 90% of your work is now complete. Add the onion and a bit of veggie broth to the Instant Pot and set to "Sauté". Cook about a minute, stirring once or twice then add the potatoes, carrots, celery and garlic.

Veggies sautéing

Sauté another minute while stirring around then add the rest of the ingredients. Give it a final stir and put the lid on the Instant Pot.

Soup ingredients ready to cook

Close the steam valve and use Manual setting and cook 15 minutes. Let the pressure release naturally (takes about 20 - 25 minutes).

I Love Our Instant Pot!

I've made this on stove top many times, but now that we have the Instant Pot, I probably won't again.  Turns out the same either way, but in the Instant Pot it's so easy - set the time and leave it. No stirring, no watching. I love that!

PS: Laura hates split pea soup. More for me! :)