Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Smashed Potatoes

This has become our new favorite potato recipe. Well, not real new, we've been making them for several months, and I may even have blogged them in the vegetarian days. But, we've been talking them up and now we've promised to share the know-how with whomever hasn't tried them before - and if you haven't, you really should. I know it's more than 2 steps, but these potatoes really are very easy to make!

Smashed Potatoes and  Asian-style Peas & Carrots

How These Delights are Made

1. Wash 15 or 20 fingerling or small new potatoes. Sometimes they can be pretty dirty!

New Potatoes

2. Cover 2/3 with veg stock - the broth does not completely cover the potatoes - and simmer over low heat until potatoes are tender and broth has simmered away. I don't have a pic of this step but I wish I did. Booo.

3. Smash with a fork! Don't completely mash them, just flatten them down a bit - there should be hash marks from the fork in them.

Smashed & Hashed Potatoes

4. Add 1 tbsp vegan butter and generous amounts of Herbamare and fry until brown.

Browned Smashed Potatoes

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